Course Content
The course content is focused on non-equilibrium turbulence, advanced analysis methods and related experimental studies at the DTU Turbulence Research Laboratory. The main topics are:
- Review of the main classical views of turbulence, including
- The Kolmogorov/Richardson/Batchelor (K41) equilibrium theory
- Rapid Distortion Theory
- Classical approaches to understanding turbulence
- Historical and more recent developments of non-equilibrium turbulence research
- Experimental/computational approaches used @ DTU TRL (including design tools for design of PIV/PTV experiments)
- Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) techniques and developments at the DTU TRL
The course includes a tour of the newly established DTU TRL laboratory facilities at DTU Construct.
Student target group
The course is intended primarily for PhD-students that have an interest in (non-equilibrium) turbulence, advanced experiments and/or advanced analysis tools for turbulence research. MSc-students are also welcome to a limited extent. The participants should have general knowledge of fluid mechanics/turbulence and basic Python programming. We will cover the basic principles behind the POD method as well as those of optics necessary to attain a basic understanding of the course content. The course has an upper limit of 30 participants.
Course Credits and Expected Work Load
With assignments, the course corresponds to a total of 3 ECTS credits, or 84 hours (pass/no pass). A course certificate can be provided upon request and finalized course with active participation: Please fill the following form and write 'specialized course with Clara Marika Velte' in the field "Course number and title (1)".
Activities to obtain ECTS credits:
At the beginning of the course, you will give a 5 minutes poster presentation of your PhD-project. The course work will also include one of the following, depending on the main interest of the student:
- POD analysis of measurement data from the DTU TRL lab facilities. A guiding script in Python will be made available.
- Design of a planar or volumetric (laser or LED based) experiment for turbulence measurements.
Based on the chosen task from the list above, you will write a report (in the form of a "paper", 5 pages) as part of the course work. This is to be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the course end (i.e. June 16).
As an option, it is possible to follow the course and lectures without earning course credits.
Preliminary Program
Monday, May 12:
08.30-09.00 Registration
09.00-09.30 Course introduction (Clara Velte)
09:40-12.00 Participant poster presentation
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Tour of the laboratory facilities
14.00-15.00 The classical view of turbulence and the need for an updated description (Clara Velte)
15.15-17.00 Historical/recent developments of non-equilibrium turbulence research (Clara Velte)
Pizza and soda/wine/beer, inner yard building 403/413.
Tuesday, May 13:
08.30-10.00 Introduction to POD, incl. different bases (Peder J. Olesen)
10.15-11.00 POD vs. Fourier modes on measured signals (Peder J. Olesen)
11.15-12.00 PhasePOD & Snapshot POD (Peder J. Olesen)
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Particle POD (Martin Schiødt)
14.10-17.00 POD exercise(s) (Peder & Martin)
Wednesday, May 14:
08.30-09.30 Overview of measurement techniques (Clara Velte / Haim Abitan)
09:45-12.00 Light, optics and cameras (Haim Abitan)
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Design of a PTV/PIV experiment (Haim Abitan)
14.00-15.30 Exercise Design of PIV/PTV experiment (Haim Abitan)
15.30-17.00 Facilities and principles for direct measurement of the instantaneous dissipation rate tensor (Clara Velte)
Dinner at Restaurant Fortunen (walking together from lecture ~17:00)
Thursday, May 15:
08.30-10.00 Facilities and principles for volumetric measurement (Haim Abitan)
10.00-12.00 Lecture café - possibility to work on assignments with guidance
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-13.30 Final remarks (Clara Velte)
Registration, Travel and Accommodation
Registration can be done under this link. The registration deadline is May 26.
- The course is free for students enrolled at DTU or other DCAMM institutions.
- Other Ph.D.-students pay 300 EURO.
- For researchers employed at universities and public research institutions the registration fee is 500 EURO.
- For all other participants the registration fee is 1150 EURO.
The course venue is located on DTU's main campus in Lyngby, about 15 km north of Copenhagen. It is easy to get to DTU by public transportation from e.g. Copenhagen airport CPH. Travel information can be found on the DTU homepage. For those who may travel from abroad and use public transit, please be aware of that the Monday May 29 (the day before the summer school starts) is a holiday.
Course participants are offered a 20% discount for accommodation at the Zleep Hotel Lyngby, located only 600 m from the lab and course venue. Please mention the code CINZL320 when booking. A budget option is the Lyngby Hostel.